Brookdale Family Campground
April 25 - 27, 2003
Meadville, PA
This trip we went with the PA Pop-Uppers, a club  from Western Pennsylvania.  This was our first trip as a group.
We were one of six families that attended.  We had a great time talking around the fire, and at a pot-luck dinner on Saturday night.  More trips are scheduled
throughout the year.

John and I went to the Erie National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday and again on Sunday,  It's a beautiful reserve with several ponds, meadows and forest.  It is a great place to see wildflowers, animals and for bird watching.

The campground has a lot of family-type activites and is great for children.  There is also a trail that runs around the campground where there is a beaver pond.  The campground was basically empty except for our group, which was nice for our first outing.

This is a view of all of our pop-ups!!
The Tubby-One...
Two of the five lakes at Brookdale
One of the many ducks that you can feed at the campground.  There are also lots of fish to catch, or as I prefer, to feed.
Two recently chewed logs, but no beavers...